After five very successful conferences, in 2011 (Amsterdam), 2013 (Aarhus), 2015 (Ljubljana), 2017 (Vienna), 2019 (Stockholm), and 2022 (Lüneburg) the time has come to invite you to a 7th edition of the conference to be hosted by the University of Bath, School of management.
The CSRCOM 2024 will be held in Bath (UK), 17-19 September 2024.
CSRCOM 2024 Conference hosts and organizing committee:
Andy Crane, University of Bath
Sarah Glozer, University of Bath
Diletta Acuti, University of Bath
Wim Elving, Hanze University of Applied Sciences
Urša Golob, University of Ljubljana
Anne-Ellerup Nielsen, Aarhus University
Christa Thomsen, Aarhus University,
Klement Podnar, University of Ljubljana
Conference History

Hosts: Hannah Trittin-Ulbrich;Dennis Schoeneborn; Matthias Wenzel; Sigrid Bekmeier-Feuerhahn, Universität Lüneburg
Keynote speakers: Lance Bennett, Juliane Reinecke

Hosts: Mette Morsing; Stockholm School of Economics
Keynote speakers: Mats Alvesson, Anna von Bergen, Nils Brunsson, Itziar Castello, Michael Etter, Mikkel Flyverbom, Jean-Pascal Gond, Andrew Jack, Ellen Quigley, Lisa Ann Richey, Dennis Schoeneborn, Laura J. Spence.

Hosts:Tobias Eberwein; Austrian Academy of Sciences; Sabine Einwiller; University of Vienna; Franzisca Weder; Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt
Keynote speakers: Sankar Sen, Peter Lazar, Matthias Karmasin, Annemarie Harant, Gabriele Faber-Wiener and Klaus Kastenhofer.

Hosts: Urša Golob; Klement Podnar, University of Ljubljana
Keynote speakers: Laura Spence, W. Timothy Coombs.

Hosts: Anne Ellerup Nielsen; Christa Thomsen, Aarhus University
Keynote speakers: Cynthia Stohl, C.B. Bhattacharya, Scott Dille.

Host: Wim Elving, University of Amsterdam
Keynote speakers: Andrew Crane, Mette Morsing, Joep Cornelissen.