CSRCOM Programme is available here
Key note speakers

Professor Charles Cho
Schulich School of Business
Charles is Professor of Sustainability Accounting and the Erivan K Haub Chair in Business & Sustainability at York University. His research interests include social and environmental accounting; corporate social responsibility; and accounting and the public interest.
He currently serves as an Editor of Accounting Forum; the Accounting and Business Ethics Section Co-Editor of the Journal of Business Ethics; and as an Associate Editor of Business & Society.
Recently, he was selected as one of the “Top 50 Academic and Research Support Projects” from the Republic of Korea’s Prime Minister and Minister of Education; received the Honorable Knight Award from the University of Central Florida’s Hall of Fame; and was recognised as one of 2019’s top 2% most cited scholars worldwide within the accounting field.

Professor Jeremy Moon
Copenhagen Business School
Jeremy brings a political science background to the study of corporations. He has studied CSR since the early 1980s in the context of a broader agenda of exploring how business contributes to the way we are governed. His primary research areas are corporate social responsibility; corporate sustainability; corporate citizenship; corporations and governance; and business and politics.
He is co-author of ‘“Implicit” and “Explicit” CSR’ Academy of Management Review (2008 with D. Matten); and of Visible Hands: National Government and International CSR Cambridge University Press (2017 with J.S. Knudsen). He is author of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Very Short Introduction Oxford University Press (2014) and co-editor of Corporate Sustainability: Managing Responsible Business in a Globalised World Cambridge University Press. (2023 with A. Rasche, M.Morsing & A. Kourula).
Jeremy is the former Director of the International Centre for Corporate Responsibility, University of Nottingham, and of the CBS Sustainability Centre.

Professor Maura Scott
Florida State University
Maura is the Dr Persis E and Dr Charles E Rockwood Eminent Scholar Chair in Marketing in the Rockwood School of Marketing. Her research interests include consumer behaviour; consumer and societal wellbeing; public policy; and services marketing. She is interested in studying how to help improve consumers’ financial, health, and food decisions, particularly among vulnerable populations.
Maura serves as Associate Editor/Area Editor for the Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Psychology, and Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.
Maura has won several awards and grants based on her research, including the Thomas C Kinnear Best Paper Award. She also won the 2021 Williams-Qualls-Spratlen Multicultural Mentorship Award of Excellence, which recognises outstanding marketing scholars and mentors of multicultural students and junior colleagues.